Healthy Lives Healthy Choices has been in existence since 2006 impacting the identification of risks, screening and treatment, education and reduction of disparities of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Pitt and Bertie County through 2011 with a 5 year, $675,000.00 grant from the North Carolina Health and Wellness Foundation. The North Carolina legislature dismantled the foundation during the fourth year in 2010 after a very successful impact on eastern North Carolina. Additional funding has been from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation and the Bertie Hospital Community Benefits and Health Initiative Grant. Vidant Community Benefits Grants Fund has supported HLHC in Pitt County since 2011. Student interns from East Carolina University Departments of Public Health and Health Education have completed their field experiences with HLHC.
The first Farmers Market in West Greenville, community screenings, health fairs, exercise classes, church gardens, cooking demonstrations and grocery store tours have touched the lives of thousands in Pitt County. Over 15 Walking Trails were measured and signage provided noting distance covered. Participants have had improved BP and blood sugar numbers, increased activity and better understanding of how to control risk factors and manage their diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Health Advisors have been trained to improve the health of their congregations and an annual minister’s event has encouraged ministers to lead the way for their members to take charge of their health. In addition to our focus on diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the churches recognize other nationally and locally celebrated month health emphasis topics such as breast cancer, men’s health, men’s health, etc. The Towns of Simpson and Fountain and the Alice S. Keene Center have partnered with HLHC for screenings and exercise classes. HLHC is a member of Pitt Partner Meetings. |