Did you know?
- African-Americans make up 21.4 percent of North Carolina's overall population, but represent nearly 53 percent of North Carolinians waiting for an organ transplant.
- Of the more than 1,900 African-Americans waiting for transplants in North Carolina, 95 percent are waiting for a kidney transplant.
- 17 percent of all patients awaiting organ transplants in the United States are of Latino heritage.
- The majority of Latino patients are waiting for kidney transplants. Here in North Carolina, 80 percent of Latinos waiting need a kidney transplant.
- Diabetes, a leading cause of kidney failure in the US, is estimated to be four to six times more common in Latinos/ Hispanic-Americans.
- African-Americans are four times more likely than Caucasians to be on dialysis because of kidney failure, which must often be treated by kidney transplantation.